Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Things I am Thankful for

Well it is that time of year again. I start to think about all we have, and how blessed we are to have 3 beautiful healthy kids, and both Nick's and my parents alive and healthy. This will be my first Thanksgiving of having everyone over to our house. I am nervous but excited to have everyone together. So in the spirit of Thanksgiving I am giving you my crazy list of thanks for what I am truly thankful for and for what makes my life easier, and happier!! 1. My family, all of it, no matter how crazy they make me 2. Our house, I feel we are lucky to have one at this day and time. 3. Shopping Carts-never has there been a better invention for locking my kids up, to not roam free while I am chasing after them in a store full of many people and toys. Thank you, thank you for the Shopping Cart 4. Dvd player in the car. You have come in very handy this flag football season when it was pouring down rain and you entertained Cade and Kendyll. I appreciate you
5. Gas prices for my large non earth friendly SUV. Makes you wonder why did they get over $4.oo and are now 1.99?? We are still at war, the economy is still struggling? What happened? (Sarcastic tone implied)
6. The Twilight series for keeping me entertained. I love Edward Cullen
7. Coffee, and Kings of Leon for getting me through numerous late night homework sessions, and still being able to get up and run kids here there and everywhere.
8. Spanx-thanks to you I look 20 pounds thinner in all my new holiday clothes!!
9. My Girl-Friends-you keep me sane, let me know I am not alone, cheer me up, and keep me reminded of the girl I used to be before kids and husband!
10. My life -3 of my friends are not so lucky. I am thankful for my life, being able to see my kids grow-up. I pray my friends souls are at rest, and for the families they have left behind.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all. xoxo

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Goodness Gracious it has been 2 months since my last confession. I have been so stinkin busy, I haven't had time to get my roots done(not pretty) :) Well lets see, Kendyll turned 3. 3 going on 13 if you ask me. She is such a character! Crazy, Funny, So Smart, beautiful all wrapped up in this tall thin little package!! We had a tinkerbell themed party, and then she was tinkerbell for halloween 3 days later!! Very exciting halloween around our house! It is my favorite holiday so we go all out!! The kids were super excited Dylan was Elvis, Cade was buzz lightyear, and of course Tinkerbell for Miss Kendyll. They had a blast, trick or treating around the neighborhood!! Then Nick and I went to our friends Gavin and Angie's adult halloween party, and we had a blast too!!
Dylan has been RIPPING it up in flag football this year. The growth from last year is amazing!! He has had 5 or 6 touchdowns, and is just loving every minute of practice and games!! They have their playoffs this weekend and then a superbowl for the last two teams standing!!!
Cade has learned more than I think any other kid has ever learned in like 21 days of school. He went from knowing 5 letters to knowing all of them, and even reading a few words. So exciting for the Mom!!
I have been sick with one thing or another for 8 weeks or so now. I have had a uti infection, kidney infection, flu, some ovarian cysts and a pinched nerve in my back!! I also had a migraine for 4 weeks straight!! I have been back and forth to 3 different doctors and the hospital, and I am just starting to feel better. When it rains it pours!!
Everyone is so excited for Thanksgiving fast approaching. I can't wait to have all my family under the same roof this year. My parents and brother and grandma, and Nicks parents are all coming to our house. So it is very exciting!!
On a somber note. A very good, and longtime friend of both Nick and I died this past weekend! Chris Church died after being in a motorcycle accident. He suffered massive brain injuries even though he was wearing a helmet. The accident was not his fault, a car pulled out in front of him. Our prayers go out to him and his Mom Dana, and little sister Shasta.