Saturday, October 24, 2009

OH YES I DID, added the link!

Thank you to Jeanette for teaching me how to add links! To the right you see the YES I DID button! Be ready, cause I am asking all my friends to give me all their YES I DID's this coming Friday! Thanks Jeanette!
  • Husband GONE
  • Kids GONE
  • QUIET house CHECK
  • Magazines and Chick Flicks DOUBLE CHECK!

Have a Great rest of the weekend everyone and I will see you on Monday!

Yes I did!! Friday(LATE)

YES I DID FRIDAY!!! If I knew how to, I totally would give credit to the person who came up with this. Her name is Jeanette, I don't know her but I love her idea, and I have read her entertaining blog a few times! My friend Lindsey has been doing this also as well as a few other blogs I read so I just HAVE to do it too! I would put up the button or whatever it is, but again I don't know how. I don't even know how to add spaces to my posts I leave like LOTS O SPACES in between sentences and it doesn't work when they post. So anyway if anyone knows how to do that please let me know! Anyway YES I DID, is like HA-HA! YES I DID IT and what are you gonna do about it? A kind of confession for the week of something you might and maybe should feel a little bit guilty about but just really don't! :) So here goes mine(I just left a really big space while typing this Did it work? when I post we will see?!?)
  • First-Every night this week I told the kids "maybe tomorrow night," when they asked if we could carve pumpkins, (I've been SOOOO busy reading), YES I DID THAT, and guess what? they still aren't done!!

  • I made breakfast for dinner on Thursday night cause I ran out of time to make anything else, I was, again busy reading(see below)

  • Instead of doing anything fun or special with my children this week since they were out early because of conferences, I spent any free time, RE-reading the books, Twilight and New Moon in anticipation of the movie coming out on Nov.20th. I let those kids that call me Mom watch lots of cartoons and movies while I did this (it gets worse..... keep reading............down there.......................

  • I also perused the internet obsessively trying to find leaked clips of said movie and then proceeded to watch EVERY SINGLE entertainment news show(ET, Access Hollywood, the insider) on between the hours of 7 and 8 PM, MON THRU FRI, also watching for any mention or peek of AgAiN said MoViE. (it might get a little crazier?....)

  • I also listened to the brand new soundtrack for that "said" movie, that "dropped" this week, while re-reading and perusing the internet, all at the same time! (still more....)

  • I also rushed right out and got the 4 new Twilight journals that come in this really CUTE keepsake tin. The 4 journals represent each of the 4 books in the Twilight series. They have matching covers from the books and favorite quotes from each book decorating each corresponding journal's pages. Instead of trying to write while I drove home, I did wait until I got there before I tore(gently) into the tin and started journaling about my obsession with said books and movies, and how maybe, just maybe, I might have a problem! Wow!When I put it like that ~I'd say its reached epic proportions on the obsess much front! BUT YES I DID, YES I DID!!!